berikan 5 contoh to invite someone to do something tolong dong
tolong dong
2 Jawaban
1. Jawaban AndiniMahera
let s go to the canteen
let s clean our room
would you like to join us to play football?
will you accompany me to go to the teacher room?
let s do the homework
2. Jawaban EvaSakti
Apakah invitation expression atau kalimat invitation itu? Kalimat invitation adalah kalimat yang dituliskan atau diucapkan untuk mengundang seseorang melakukan sesuatu, bergabung dalam aktivitas tertentu atau mengajak pergi ke suatu tempat.
Jadi, tujuan dari kalimat invitation adalah untuk mengajak seseorang.
Frase yang sering digunakan dalam kalimat invitation contohnya :
- Would you like to join us?
- I would like to invite you to the wedding
- Would you like to come...
- Could you join us?
- Could you come to...
- Let's jump together!
- Let's go to Ari's party!
Respon terhadap kalimat invitation ada dua yaitu menerima invitation (Accepting Invitation) atau menolak invitation (Declining Invitation).
Berikut contoh frase yang biasa digunakan untuk merespon kalimat invitation :
Menerima Invitation (Accepting Invitation)
- Thank you for inviting me.
- Yes, I would like to join.
- I'd like to come.
- Sure, I am coming.
Menolak Invitation (Declining Invitation)
- I'm afraid already had another plan.
- Unfortunately I can't join.
- I'm very sorry, I am not feeling well at the moment
- I'd like to join but...
Contoh expression invitation dalam kalimat :
1. Would you like to join us for the party tonight?
Jawaban : I would like to.
I'd like to join but I already have another plan tonight.
2. Let's go to visit the museum!
Jawaban : Sure, I am coming!
Sorry, I can't join.
3. Could you come to the library and study with us tomorrow afternoon?
Jawaban : Sure, I am free tomorrow afternoon.
I am sorry, I can't. Tomorrow afternoon I have a test.
4. I would like to invite you to this conference next month.
Jawaban : Thank you for your invitation. I would like to be there.
I am afraid I have a business trip next month.
5. Let's do this project together tonight!
Jawaban : Yes, sure. That would be good.
I'd like to but tonight I have to help my sister.
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
1. Materi invitation menggunakan let's
2. Materi giving and responding invitation
3. Materi giving invitation
Detil jawaban
Kelas : X
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Expression
Kode : 10.5.2
Kata Kunci : Expression, kalimat invitation