B. inggris


Saya mau minta tolong buat surat tentang hobby

2 Jawaban

  • halo teman teman yang aku sayangin aku mau ngobrol tentang hobi kalian tau gak apaitu hobi hobi itu adalah sebuah kegiatan yang di lakukan diwaktu luan dan juga bermafat aku pengen tanya apa si hoobi kalian kasih tau pas kalian bales surat ini
  • Dear Ira

    Hello Ira. I'm fine here How about you? I hope you are find there.
    Ira i want to tell you about my hobby. Did u know my hobby? My hobby is singing, and everytime i always sing my favorite song, when my music teacher hear my voice when i am singing, he ask to me to Join A singing competition. The competition will be held at Oktober. Pray for me in order to i be A winner. I hope my hobby can be value. I think just it my story about my hobby. Anytime i want you tell your hobby. Thank you.



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