B. inggris


Make exspression of offering based on the following situations.
Use suitable modals when necessary.
1. Your mother is busy sewing a piece of cloth. Suddenly, the phone rings.
2. Your father is driving you to school when on the way you see your friend waiting for the bus.
3. You and your friend have just finished doing your work. When your friend is going to return home, it is raining, he/she doesn't bring a raincoat.
4. Your friend looks pale. He/she has a toothache
5. Your sister's laptop computer is broken. Meanwhile, she has not finished typing her work yet.

2 Jawaban

  • 1. Would you like me to answer your phone?

    2. I'm heading to the school, can I offer you a lift?

    3. I see that you don't have a raincoat, would you like to use mine?

    4. Do you need some medicine to ease the toothache?

    5. Would you like to borrow my laptop?

    Semoga membantu :)
  • 1. May i help you answer the phone?
    2.Would you like to join me?
    3.Here.I will lend you my coat.
    4Are you ok?
    5. You may borrow my computer if you want

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