B. inggris


buat lah pidato b inggris bertema tahun baru islam

2 Jawaban

  • Happy New Year Hegira (1432 H) New Spirit in the New Year

    Happy New Year 1432 !!!! Hijriyyah first day of this new year, there is no word for a friend to all except the most beautiful chant only prayer we offer to you,
    This might be a day where we are given the strength and smoothness to begin to organize our lives, our physical and mental, physical and spiritual, to be better in the future.

    We remove kepenantan mundane moment, problematikan menyesakan that constricts the heart and chest. Open our minds wide open expanse of clouds and wide as the ocean and begin evaluation marks and flaws we kehilapan Day yesterday to carve a new sheet into a better self.

    There is no happiness other than a time when we hear a friend managed to become a great man, the effect, the rank, the most generous person, and a person who is known around the edges dunia..dan be the one who really khusnulkhatimah end of his life.

    In undergoing this life steep though sometimes we are teetering but still we hope that friends remain optimistic and spirit of the kink as solid as steel.

    We wish for a friend who is currently waiting for a mate has given best mate who brought friends into a better person,

    Hopefully for friends who are still feeling the narrowness RIZKI hopefully given rizki many lawful and good. Facilitated all activities and all that does is always worth the reward in front of the almighty,

    For those who still feel has not been answered prayer may be hastened by a friend of God and given the ability to be grateful for any small favor that God has given.

    Hopefully those who are still distraught hopefully blessed with courage and fortitude and the disaster passes more quickly and promptly changed happiness,

    For those who have a family friend of the pillars of good life, happy and romantic atmosphere is always present,

    And from all that I hope we get to see the greatness of God behind favors slightest there, we can taste, see, hear.

    Is not God has told us, "Pray to Me I will certainly let you"

    Is not God has told us "God is pleased when a slave prayed to Him"

    Do not we know "Prayer is not granted in the world would come to our helpers hereafter".

    Do not we know, "The love of God is greater than the love of creatures to the creatures to Him",

    Do not we know "Nothing is impossible for God".

    Today is the first day of the new year Hijrah 1432. Start with a dream. Not just a dream nor a nightmare that responsibility. Dream BIG lah.

    Do not underestimate ourselves this mighty GOD's creation, do not underestimate ourselves to outcompete other of the billions of eggs, do not underestimate the greatness of our brain and our unconscious, it was a dream BIG.

    To be GREAT in the fact you have to take the first step which is to be GREAT PEOPLE YOU in mind.

    This is the common thread that I believe the lesson of the trip PROPHET, one hundred most influential figures in the world, the journey of the Ulema, trip successful people.

    To be GREAT in the fact you have to take the first step which is to be GREAT PEOPLE YOU in mind.

    No wonder people close to me may feel bored with what I often say to them "When the light is on, Let it stays on your head with scattered crumble though in reality",

    Scorn, contempt, ridicule, economic pressure, and all the problems suffocating to let him pass swallowed by a great time but we let the dream remained firm unshaken.

    Hopefully this new year to be human companions with new sheets were full of optimism, enthusiasm and strong as solid as steel. ameen.


    Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    All praise be to Allah, the God who unifes the muslims thourgh the Onenes belief. He ordered the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and his companions to move to the land of hope, the city of Madinah. In vthe new land, the messenger of Allah (Rasululloh) gradually succeded to build a muslim community. One by one the hearts of the believers, both of people from the coming city (Makkah) and the local people, were united and awakened by him, building a small group the gradually became bigger and bigger as if they were a from of human body.

    I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, no partner with him. I also bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. My peace be always on the noblest people, prophet Muhammad SAW. He was sent as a messenger of Allah to all mankind either black, red-or white –colored people. My peace be also on his family and his companions, along with the people who follow his teachings.

    Dear brothers and sisters who are honored by Allah!

    Finally Allah ordered the Muslims to move to other cities (hijrah). Firstly, they were asked to move to Habsyah and then to Madinah. After the muslims had got away of Makkah and moved to the land of Hope, Rasulullah was then asked to move ang join his people . After prepraring all supplies, he asked Abu Bakar to accompany him during his journey. Abu Bakar accepted his request willingly. Rasulullah and Abu Bakar agreed to leave their own house and met each other in the night outside Makkah.

    Unfortunately, this plan was known by the Quraisy infidel. They come to the Rasulullah’s house and besieged the house, they were quite sure to succeed with their plan. Rasulullah recognized wahat happened outside. However he was very sure that allah would help him. Being confident with his belief, he went out of his house confidently. Before coming out he asked a young boy, Ali, to replace him on his bed. Ali then lay down on the bed and wore the Rosul’s robe. Thus some of the infidels taking a glance o the bed thought that Rasul was still on his bed. This is the tickery of Allah toward the infidels. Coming out of his house, the messenger of Allah discovered the infidels were sleeping soundly. While stepping out his house,
    the messenger of Allah read this verse :

    “and We have put a bar in front of them, and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see” (Yasin :9)

    Meanwhile atb the house of the messenger, the infidels woke up and were shocked to find that Rasulullah had already gone out of his house. They were so angry and panicked. While yelling loudly, they searched every side of the messenger’s house, but they couldn’t find him. Their hearts were gloomy. The leader of the infidels then declared “ whoever could Muhammad, live or dead, he would be given an enormous gift. This declaration made the quraisy infidels very enthusiastic to find ang catch the messenger. Once they reached the cave of khiro, they walked to and for outside the cave. They were uncertain whether the messenger was inside or not. Some of the infidels climbed up the cave. And their feet could be seen by Abu Bakar. Abu Bakar was frightened if the infidels would find them. The messenger then calmed him down, “don’t be so sad, verily Allah is with us” said he.

    Although the infidels were very close to the hideout of the messenger, but they could not recognize that. Allah had blinded their eyes, hence they could see nothing. Rasulullah and his close companion stayed in the cave for about three days. After considering the situation conducive and the infidels had already gone away, they then came out of the cave and walked at the night to Yastrib and arrived there on the date of 12 Rabi’ul Awal.

    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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