B. inggris


Tuliskan contoh 10 ungkapan responding to complaint

1 Jawaban

  • 1. Thank you for your letter alerting us to the problem you have been having with our store. We apologize for any inconvinience we had caused.

    2. I am sorry you have been subjected to such a frustrating series of events.

    3. We pride ourselves on responding to customers' concerns very quickly, so what you have experienced is inexcusable.

    4. I have spoken with our manager and have instructed him to give you a full refund plus 20% off your next purchase. We hope you still can forgive us!

    5. I extend my own apologies for the inconvenience this problem has caused you.

    6. We are truly sorry, it is apparent that we need to train our service more thoroughly.

    7. I certainly understand your frustration at being sent the wrong order last week and realize that you need some of your order immediately to satisfy demand.

    8. Please accept my sincere apologies. We will make every effort to see that this never happens again.

    9. We are incredibly sorry, we promise to make sure a delightful experience in our store next time. Such staff behaviour is untolerable, we promise the same incident would no longer happen.

    10. We are sorry our product didn't work for you! We promise such error would no longer happen again.

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