B. inggris


5 kegiatan larangan di rumah
5 kegiatan yang diharuskan di sekolah
Bahasa inggris dan artinya
Jangan jawab asal-asalan ya!!

2 Jawaban

  • Larangan di rumah:

    1- Don't sleep when it's almost dusk
    2- Don't play games while studying
    3- Don't disobey your parents
    4- Don't fight against your brothers, sisters, siblings, and or parents
    5- Don't piss on your bed

    Larangan di sekolah:

    1- Don't operate any electronic gadget while studying
    2- Don't fight against your friends
    3- Don't step on the garden
    4- Don't disobey your teachers (先生)
    5- Don't be late
  • Do not running in the house:tidak boleh berlari-lari di dalam rumah.
    Do not eating with opening mouth:tidak boleh makan/mengunyah dengan mulut terbuka.
    Do not late to sleep: tidak boleh tidur terlambat/sangat malam.
    Do not play the game while studyng:tidak boleh bermain game saat sedang belajar.
    Do not watch the tv while studyng:tidak boleh melihat tv saat sedang belajar

    Di sekolah

    Do not sleeping while it's studyng: jangan tidur saat belajar
    Do not play while it's studyng: tidak boleh bermain saat belajar
    Do not running in the school:tidak boleh berlari lari di sekolah
    Do not coming to the school late: tidak boleh datang ke sekolah terlambat.
    Must wearing a red in the school:harus memakai pita merah saat di sekolah

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