B. inggris


semoga yang jawab pertanyaan ini dapat umur panjang dan rezeki yang melimpah.plisss ubah doa katolik dibawah ini menjadi inggris:
Allah bapa yang maha baik puji syukur kami haturkan kepadamu atas hari yang cerah ini yerimakasih atas berkatmu lewat school assembling ini kami dapat menyalurkan talenta kami.
Bapa,sebentar lagi kami akn masuk ke kelas kami masing-masing berkati dan bukalah hati dan pikiran kami agar kami dapat belajar dengan baik dan benar berkati juga guru-guru kami supaya mereka senantiasa sabar dan tabah dalam mengajari kami tak lupa juga kami mendoakan orangtua kami kiranya engkau mau memberikan mereka umur dan rejeki yang melimpah sehingga mereka dapat membiayai keperluan hidup kami sekeluarga.amin.
marilah kita satukan doa ini dengan doa salam maria.

2 Jawaban

  • god's best god praise our thanks to you for this sunny day thanks for your blessing through this school assemblin we can channel our talents.

    Father, soon we will go into our respective classes bless and open our hearts and minds so that we can learn well and true blessing also our teacher teacher so that they always be patient and steadfast in teaching us not forget also we pray for our parents you want to give them ages and fortune so that they can finance the necessities of our family life, amen. let us unite this prayer with greetings maria

  • Father the most good we are grateful for this sunny day and we thank You for your blessings through this school assembly so that we can channeling our talents. Father, in a few moments we will enter our class please bless us and open our heart and mind so that we can study very well and please bless our teachers so they can teach us with patience and steadfastly. we do not forget to pray for our parents, we hope that they will be given a long life and fortune of abundant so they can pay the finance of necessities of our life and family. amen. let's unite this prayer with hail mary prayer.

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