B. inggris


personal letter untuk saudara beserta balasannya

2 Jawaban

  • Hi there, buddy. Long time no see, it's been almost a year since last time we met with each other. How have you been in there, is everything okay, any new friends, buddies, it must be fun to have a new friends. Sadly, I can't write much more to this because here I'm also busy with my own living. It's a hard time to become the president of students council, you know. Anyway, I'll talk to you again If I have time for it. See you next time.

    Balasannya nyusul ya, nanti di comments. Sama, gak punya waktu cukup. :v
  • Subjets: B.inggris

    Bekasi, November 26, 2016
    To Mas Ade
    In the United States
    How are you there Mas? May it always be in His protection, Amiin. Alhamdulillah our family here is fine and add all healthy, there is only one less, that is your presence beside us Mas. The family here have long missed you Mas, not miss heavy yach ahaha. But your presence is highly anticipated here later, because mama is preparing your future wife for you, can not wait to get to know you. This woman is beautiful loh Mas, I'm sure dech sure Mas would accept it. Oh yes Mas, I've invented loh same guy that I tell that day same Mas, he is really good, attention, faithful, pokonya the best is Mas ahaha. Can not wait for Mas to come home, I have a lot of stories for Mas. Need Mas tau, your sister more and more beautiful loh hahaha. right back yes Mas, order me tuh do not forget to forget hehe. Already yes Mas, we all always pray for the best for you Mas. I do not wait for your reply letter Mas, what I'm waiting for is your return hehe.
     Your Most Fussy Sister

    United States, November 28, 2016
    For Mirna In Bekasi
    Wa'alaikumsalam Mas good well kok here deck, mas want to eat breakfast, hope you eat there not too much ya deck later you fat loh heheh. munggu front mas will go back to indonesia deck, mas want to meet soon women choice mama hehehhe, also met adek mas dear that is mirna
    Mas will quickly go home deck, wait there mas ya;)
    Your mas is the most handsome

    I hope this helps

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