B. inggris


prolog percakapan bahasa inggris tema kecelakaan

1 Jawaban

  • Car accident

    Budi    : Are you oke?

    Kemal  : Yes, I’m oke.

    Budi    : you get hurt?

    Kemal : no, but my neck and my forehead is little bit hurt

    Budi    : what make you ended up like this?

    Kemal : when I ride my car, abruptly I got a call from my office and when I was talking and driving my car exceed, because I was rush. Suddenly there was a child in the middle of the street, because I was taken aback, as soon as possible I swerved my car and I bump to the tree.

    Budi    : Did you use seatbelt?

    Kemal : yes.

    Budi    : have you called police?

    Kemal : not yet, but I’m calling my cars insurance.

    Budi    : after this you need to call the police.

    Kemal : yes, I will call the police immediately

    Budi    : don’t you need to go to infirmary? Maybe you get hurt.

    Kemal : oke.

    Budi    : I will accompany you there.

    Kemal : oke I will.

    Unfamiliar words :

    Swerved: membanting stir

    Abruptly: tiba-tiba

    Exceed: melebihi

    Infirmary: rumah sakit

    Accompany: menemani

    Rush: buru-buru

    Forehead: jidat

    Taken aback: kaget

    Bump: menabrak

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