B. inggris


Contoh kalimat to give and respond to intructions

2 Jawaban

  • Giving : it's windy here, close the window, please
    Respond : okay

    Giving : the radio is too loud, can you set the volume down ?
    Respond : sure, i can

    Giving : close  the certain for me
    Respond : sure, anything for you

    Giving : the guest are coming, open the door, please
    Respond : okay

    Giving : pass me the glass, please
    Respond : sure

    Giving : i can't see through the dark, turn the lamp on
    Respond : okay
  • Menurut saya, seperti ini =
    a. Give intruction : Come in please ! ; Sweep the floor please !
    b. Respond : All right, mom ; Of course, dad

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