apa ke panjangan dari asean,afta,adb,apec,eu,efta,imf,opec,wto,ibrd,fao,ifc,undp,unido,oecd
B. Indonesia
apa ke panjangan dari asean,afta,adb,apec,eu,efta,imf,opec,wto,ibrd,fao,ifc,undp,unido,oecd
2 Jawaban
1. Jawaban kingsleyshack
ASEAN : Association of South East Asian Nations
AFTA : Asean Free Trade Area
ADB : Asian Development Bank
APEC : Asia-Pasific Economic Cooperation
EU : European Union
EFTA : European Free Trade Association
IMF : International Monetary Fund
OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
WTO : World Trade Organization
IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
IFC : International Finance Corporation
UNDP : United Nations Development Programme
UNIDO : United Nations Industrial Development Organization
OECD : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development -
2. Jawaban victorya
ASEAN= Association of South East Asia Nations(asia tenggara)
AFTA= asean free trade area
ADB : asian development bank
APEC=Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation atau Kerja Sama Ekonomi Asia pasifik
EU = european union
EFTA = european free trade association
IMF= (International Monetary Fund)Dana Moneter Internasional
OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
WTO = World Trade Organization
IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization
IFC = International Finance Corporation
UNDP = United Nations Development Programme
UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization
OECD = Organizatin for Economic Co-operation and Development